React Native: JavaScript on the smartphone on the fast lane

React Native: JavaScript on the smartphone on the fast lane

App development divides the developers into three groups: The iOS developers, the Android developers and the group of developers, who try their best using Apache Cordova (former PhoneGap). The first two groups concentrate on own mobile OS, the third tries to build platform-independent apps. The latter one leads to disadvantages, as only a browser component is used.

React Native – an Open Source framework created by Facebook – tries to combine the advantages of both worlds: Instead of different languages only one is used, but the created programs use native UI components and do not have to hide behind the native app in terms of performance.

Franz Knipp showed at the Linuxwochen in Eisenstadt the first steps to create such an app und spoke about his experiences.

The presentation is available on Prezi. The video is in German:

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