A few weeks ago we delivered the Meteor application Teams & Scores to the Regional association of sport clubs for target shooting in Burgenland.
The main target of the application was to provide an easy way to collect the results of competitions. Flexibility was a core quality, as the score calculation is different from discipline to discipline in target shooting. So, the application can be used for other sport activities as well.
It includes the management of the associated clubs and their members. The permission model is based on the email address of the members and allows the editing depending on their role, e.g. the director of a club may create and edit club members, a club member may edit his own entry, etc.
The application was built immediately after the release of Meteor 1.3. I tried to implement it according the fresh Meteor guide, so I could provide feedback and pull requests to improve the guide. The developer experience using Meteor was as fruitful as expected. The upgrade to the new version brought several changes, the new application is completely based on JavaScript modules and ES6. It uses Blaze for templating and the Flow Router. The Meteor guide was a good source of inspiration, as well as Exploring ES6 written by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer.
The customer is very happy with the new application, is it offers an up-to-date user experience for the competition directors, who enters the results, as well as for the users, who want to look up their scores and standing.
The next step is the implementation of team-based championships.
The application is available at http://bsslv.meteor.qnipp.com